Assorted Scripture Verses, Excerpts from Heaven, by Randy Alcorn
If I were to dig as deep as possible into the subject of Heaven this blog would soon become a book. And although we’ve talked over the last few weeks about how the Bible can tend to be elusive in providing detailed information regarding Heaven, there is more than enough there for us to know that ultimately Heaven is where we want to be. Surprisingly though, Randy Alcorn in his amazing book titled Heaven, reveals that in the Church today sharing the good news about Heaven is not something that’s happening with any sort of regularity. In fact, by his measure, Heaven is one of the most “under preached” subjects addressed in pulpits today.
Why is that? Alcorn’s research finds that many faithful Christians actually have a fear of Heaven and find talking about Heaven to be kind of depressing!
This fear of Heaven comes from the fact that in our flesh, we have a very clear idea of what death is. When we’re seated at a funeral for a loved one looking at the casket or the urn that contains that person’s remains all we know for sure is that they’re gone, and they aren’t coming back. They’re not going to be sending us selfies from Heaven letting us know that all is well Heaven. When you think about it, Heaven makes one of the most demanding calls on our faith that we will ever know. When we talk about faith being the assurance of something we hope for but can’t see, that’s Heaven in a nutshell.
With all that comes the notion that Heaven is a place where I will have to stand around for all eternity in choir robes singing praises to Jesus. And although that may be gratifying for the first couple of hundred years, it doesn’t sound like an eternity full of fun. Listen. God doesn’t do boring. Ever. And again, if we take time to dig into what scripture has to say about Heaven, we will find great comfort in knowing that when we get there, for all you Trekkies out there, The Adventure Begins…
This is where I want to encourage you to take the time to watch my sermon message because there, I have more time to flesh out some of the more comforting aspects of a Heavenly existence.
As an example, here are some verses that I find particularly comforting and compelling from the Book of Revelation, 6:9-11. This is the apostle John’s witness of that revelation.
When He (Jesus) opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the witness they had borne They cried out with a loud voice, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” Then they were each given a white robe and told to rest a little longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers should be complete, who were to be killed as they themselves had been.
What do these verses show us about Heaven? One is that these martyrs know themselves, their earthly identity is intact in Heaven. They are aware of how their brothers and sisters on earth continue to suffer. They cry out to Jesus, asking how long this suffering must go on. And Jesus answers that they are to rest in the fact that He is in control. They’re given white robes to wear, for those of you who wrestle with what Heavenly fashions may be like.
But perhaps the most important thing for us to understand about Heaven is that there will be a profound difference between the paradise we awaken to if Jesus calls us home before His return and the “Permanent Heaven” we will know when Jesus brings about the New Earth and the New Jerusalem. When that happens, this earth will be “reborn” and we will dwell with God here for all eternity in glorified bodies that will never break down or know pain. And when that day arrives, Jesus assures us that He will, “Wipe every tear away. That death shall be no more. Neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain. Those things will have passed away.”
And a joy that our earthly minds cannot comprehend will be our new reality for all time. And all we need to do in order to know that joy is receive the Holy Spirit into our hearts. And as we near Easter in just two short days, may I encourage anyone reading this who may feel uncertainty over their relationship with Jesus to reach out to me through the website. It would be my great blessing to discuss this most important topic with you. Because the greatest thing to know about Heaven is that we all can be there together!