iPhone Faith

Ephesians 1 Last week the time finally came to retire my iPhone 10 and upgrade to the iPhone 13. I must confess that technology, even technology as simple (supposedly) as the iPhone fills me with me terrible anxiety. Huge pieces of my life are tied up in my phone. And...

The Genealogy of Jesus

Matthew 1:1-17 For those of you who have ever done a “Read the Bible in One Year” reading plan I want you to openly confess here and now that on days when the reading led you to a lengthy genealogy, you whispered “Hallelujah” and skipped right over it. C’mon, we’ve...

The Sin of Addiction

Matthew 8:1-3, James 1:14-15  “Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” These two verses come from James’ New Testament...

The Wisest Addict

Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 In the work that I do, on occasion I’m asked how it is that I can be sure that God can heal people from their addictions. Sure, it’s been my personal experience and that’s all well and good, but where in the Bible do, we see this actually happen?...

I Repent

Matthew 4:12-17, Hebrews 9:24-26 This is from Matthew’s Gospel, 4:17. When Jesus heard that John had been arrested, He left Judea and returned to Galilee. He went first to Nazareth, then left there and moved to Capernaum, beside the Sea of Galilee, in the region...

Judge Not

Matthew 7:1-5, Romans 2:1-4, 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 We are a people who love to sit in judgement, aren’t we? Think about all the TV shows that are on every week that feature people performing in different ways and being judged by celebrities in order to gain their 15...