
The New, Old Commandment

1 John 2:1-17 For those of you who’ve been around long enough, you may remember New Coke. In 1985 the Coca-Cola Company came up with what to this day is considered the biggest marketing blunder in American consumer product history. At the time, Coke was the undisputed...

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James 5:13-16, 19-20. As it relates to Christian faith, few acts are more maligned and misunderstood than the act of confession. We tend to see confession as little more than an acknowledgment that we’ve done something wrong. We cheated on the test, we looked at the...

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Heaven Part III: Heaven!

Assorted Scripture Verses, Excerpts from Heaven, by Randy Alcorn If I were to dig as deep as possible into the subject of Heaven this blog would soon become a book. And although we’ve talked over the last few weeks about how the Bible can tend to be elusive in...

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Heaven Part II: Hell

Ezekiel 28:12-17, Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43, 25:31-46, Mark 9:43-48 Something we may not spend much time considering in our faith walk is that to fully appreciate the promise of the joy of Heaven, we need to understand the reality of hell. In recent years, there have...

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Heaven Part 1: Death

Luke 23:39-43, 1 Corinthians 15:46-49 When we think about the things that are absolutely foundational to our faith in Jesus, anticipating eternity in Heaven is a biggie. The Bible tells us that we are to live life on this earth with a Heavenly perspective which sounds...

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Judge Not

Matthew 7:1-5, Romans 2:1-4, 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 We are a people who love to sit in judgement, aren’t we? Think about all the TV shows that are on every week that feature people performing in different ways and being judged by celebrities in order to gain their 15...

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Anxious for Nothing

Isaiah 40:28-31, Philippians 4:6-7, Proverbs 3:5-6 I’m going to open this message with a confession. I’m a worrier. I’m not fretting over everything all the time, but once my brain latches onto something that I see as worthy of worry, I’m off to the races. And that...

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Sexual Sin

1 Corinthians 6:9-20 Oh boy…the topic that we dare not speak of. It’s fascinating to me how we can live in a world where we’ve become almost totally desensitized to the idea of there even being a link between sex and sin and yet as a church be nearly scared to death...

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The Goal

Philippians 3:12-21 Call it a rat race, call it a dog-eat-dog world, call it whatever you like we all can attest to the fact that we live in a goal-oriented, results hungry society. Every morning when we get up before our feet hit the floor, before we squirt a little...

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Daddy Issues

Luke 15:11-32 One of the more compelling – and frankly depressing – trends that I encounter when providing biblical counsel to people trying to deal with addictions and other issues is the impact that a dysfunctional relationship with their father has had on their...

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