Pastor Kevin

For the better part of two decades I lived in bondage to an alcohol addiction. In 1996, I got sober, but maintained a hardened heart towards Jesus. Nearly ten years later, I became aware of the joy that comes from developing a personal relationship with Him. I recommitted my life to Jesus and for the first time, came to truly see Him as my Lord and Savior. From there, He extended to me this wonderful calling and the fruit of that calling is the One Step Ministry. The ministry itself came about in 2011 through a collaborative effort between me and Pastor Jeff Rudd. Since then, the Holy Spirit has been faithful to guide us, protect and prosper us and as a result, many lives have been changed for the better. 

I am blessed to serve the Lord this way, bringing His light to broken lives alongside my wife, Mary Grace.

“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners will return to You.”  Psalm 51:12-13